Extended Telehealth Services
Due to the persistence of positive COVID-19 cases in South Carolina, BlueChoice HealthPlan would like to remind members there is a $0 member cost share for both Blue CareOnDemandSM and Doctors Care Anywhere telehealth services.
Blue CareOnDemand — You no longer need to enter a coupon code to receive the $0 cost share for urgent care, behavioral health and lactation support telehealth services. We will use real-time eligibility verification to confirm your coverage based on your insurance ID numbers.
Doctors Care Anywhere — You will need to enter the code INS to receive the $0 cost share for general medical consultations.
Telehealth Visits With In-Network Providers:
If you need follow-up care from an in-network provider and would prefer a virtual visit instead of in-person care, you may have the option to arrange either a telephone or telehealth appointment with the provider. You would pay the same cost share as you would for an in-person visit.
Please note that updated information regarding COVID-19 and any related changes in your coverage can be found on our website at www.BlueChoiceSC.com/COVID-19.