Preventive Dental

Preventive Dental

Start smiling

Your company's BlueChoice HealthPlan insurance plan includes preventive dental care services! Your employees can be reimbursed an allowance for exams and cleanings from any licensed dentist.


Every six months, our plan pays for:

One exam: $50 allowance for initial/$50 allowance for periodic

One cleaning: $50 allowance

The member will be responsible for paying any additional balance above what we cover. For example, if a dentist charges your employee $130 for an initial cleaning and exam, your employee will pay your dentist $130 at the time of service. We will reimburse you $100 when we receive a reimbursement form. Costs incurred from these services do not count toward the maximum out-of-pocket expenses.

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To be reimbursed, a completed member claim form and the paid receipt from the dentist must be sent to BlueChoice®